Exercise at least 30 min./day - and 2x/day over 15 minutes of exercise.
Hydration -No less than 64 oz (8 glasses) of water/day
Drop all sugar, refined foods, high fat. Eat lots of veggies and natural things.
No low carb diets, deprive of serotonin....
Regular physical check ups
Take breaks, rejuvenatio periods.
Spend time outdoors, especially in nature.
Sleep until rested, fully awake upon arising (6-9 hours, no less and no more) Melatonin
Rejuvenation time
Circadian rhythm maintained for repair, immunity
Proper sunlight (30 min./day)
BMI of 23 or less (mandatory max is 25)
Eliminate high toxins levels - Lead,mercury, arsenic bismuth...
Always, except emergencies, not allow imbalance and loss of high functioning. (Called homeostasis.)
Handle emotions and false threats cleared up and corrected.