I've decided that I much prefer calm coherence (the two go together) to the normal state of chaos and fear response thinking - which is also called 'incoherence' and is at the higher ends of the spectrum of 'insanity'.  High sanity is what I choose!
This is part I of keeping myself in homeostasis, with both of them affecting the other - upwardly!

                                                         The BuddhaKahuna


While looking at meditation and noting the physical and psychological benefits, it struck me hugely that one of the benefits of calm coherence is that it contributes to the source of all of our personal power in life:  the ability to see and think clearly, to such an extent that you see and think clearly regardless of the circumstances. 

With the ability to see and think clearly, you can fully utilize your "inner wisdom" and be "smarter" than you otherwise would be, but without having learned anything new!   Essentially, it allows you to access what you know in terms of reality testing and what works in life, so that you operate "smarter".

Without the ability to see and think clearly, distractions interrupt your thinking, your logic, and your focus - and consequently you function at a much lower level - not just in operating less efficiently but in terms of happiness and a sense of peace.

Imagine looking "into a pool of calm water and seeing your reflection unperturbed.  To be distracted is to throw multiple rocks into that pool and see yourself [life, circumstances, etc.] in bits and pieces."  (Svinivasan D. Pillay, MD, Life Unlocked)

Seeing life and all that is within it through an "unperturbed" lens, without an obscuring or biasing lens allows for the greatest power you can have in your life - for it is the entrance to seeing what is necessary to learn and to run your life with huge power to create what you want, both outside of you and inside of you. 

This is the entryway to all of what I would like to see each reader create of life.  Yes, part of it is to "remove those fragmented lenses and filters" to get rid of what gets in the way of seeing and thinking clearly, but the core of it is to develop the ability to see and think clearly in and of itself.   

"Calm coherence " might be the term to use to describe this ability to see and think clearly.  And perhaps this helps one to "self correct" by recalling calm coherence to contrast it with the fractionated view one has when one feels other than calm.  Calm is the emotion where one is not suffering from negative emotion; and negative emotion is virtually always a sign of "lack of proper coherence" (a "screwed up view"). 


Coherence can be defined as a condition of "sticking together" in a whole that is logically integrated, consistent, and intelligible, clearly articulated.  The "sticking together" means "holding together" as if by gravity and consistency, a kind of integrity where everything fits.

In today's less mindful world, our thinking is chaotic, often going on its own path, spiraling into negative thought upon negative thought or simply 'incoherent' thinking, that is quite unclear - and doesn't quite 'feel right' - we know there is something wrong but we don't stop to fix it.  We are caught in a web where we can't think 'straight' or well, where we can't use our higher brain, where often we are in the fight/flight/fear response where the emergency systems are operating and the brain is shut down.


Calm:  the lack of agitation or excitement; tranquility; serenity, being in peace and quiet, a lack of turbulence or disorder.  [Disorder and agitation are characteristics of the insane and/or the less same.  See HighSanity.

I've bolded the key words so that I can use them to point to what is the road to calm.


The first realization of how to effectively go down the road to calm coherence is the same realization of what it takes to be powerful in anything we do: that we must gain sufficient knowledge.  We must be committed to learning what it takes in order to be able to see sufficiently clearly that we can proceed with easy and confidence.

Obviously, the road to calm coherence must include developing the ability to be calm for a period of time.  Calmness is being devoid of distracting, disturbing thoughts - and as a result being free of agitation and being free of lack of focus. 

Part of being free of distracting, disturbing thoughts is not giving them any importance or power.  The discipline in meditation of seeing the reality of the fact that "a thought is just a thought" and not real is an example of what must be seen as reality.  A thought is not real nor determinant nor powerful - it is just a firing of electricity involving the excitement of neurons in particular patterns.  Realizng this truth is the equivalent of no longer being truly victimized by a horror film, as one realizes it is "just a film" and not real.

Along the road to calm we must learn to delete the enemies of calm and not to be seduced by them.  We must understand and see the lack of benefit (at least compared to the cost).  Accordingly, we would eliminate:  multitasking, pushing too hard, lack of rest, allowing our body to be tense for too long, being "on the ready" for dangers that are non-existent or non-important.

The road to reaching calm coherence includes the road advocated by all wise men:  Learning what reality is so that illusions can be seen and dissolved instantly and no longer entertained nor controlling our lives.


This is, I think, the one "condition" (or "way of being") to remind oneself to return to, to affirm as what one wants and as that which works in life. 

My "choosing" affirmation:  "I choose to live my life in calm coherence as my base to which I return naturally and as needed." 

My "being" affirmation, my "reminder" affirmation:  "I am calmly coherent."