GROUNDED AND CENTERED, DEFINED    rounded and centered, defined

Certain, firmly established foundation, feeling strong and effective, in control, accpeting, without fear, power centers in you in your life, not "out there"


Feeling stable and Strong certainty about life, one's values, clarity, stands, strong decided, ability to create what one wants in life
   not easily uprooted
Emotionally stable
Relaxed and Alert, alive, present (not distracted, elsewhere, or confused) (not allowing oneself to "be off"
Happy, takes opportunities to improve whatever is present, corrects quickly, notices feedback.


This would include anything that helps get one back to what is defined above   and to what is manifested in a grounded person.
Exercise, calming of the body, eating good fuel - all to get back to high functioning 

It includes getting out of a condition of stress.
It includes getting mental clarity and certainty.  (The "feeling" of safety is enhanced by being certain.)

Physical grounding by itself is not sufficient.  It is emotional grounding that is the core key.  Emotional grounding involves devising and keeping in place a firm foundation that is "top of the mind"



then imagine not only the energy flowing down the cord, but visualize a swirl of energy like water draining from a sink or flushing like a toilet. Start at the top of your head and pretend that the energy is swirling around you and down as you breathe out. If you feel that the energy gets stuck before you exhale completely, just pause, inhale again, and start where you left off. I have had good results from this practice, even to relieving physical constipation, which can be a symptom of energetic blocks.

Then hold your breath for a moment, which makes you more aware of your body. Inhale, imagining clear, bright, harmonious energy flowing up into your spine and through all the energy systems of your body, especially your brain and heart. Repeat at least three times, especially before reading or working magic.

As you breathe, feel the tingle of life throughout your body, in your hands, your feet, your back, your stomach, your organs, and so forth. If you don't actually feel a tingling, it is likely that you are not used to being in your body, so that you ignore its signals. With practice and awareness, you will become more and more aware. It is the sense of relaxed alertness that you seek, that sense of being here now in the eternal moment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1383196

Outside Articles:

How To Be Centered And Grounded - Adjust in the moment back to being more grounded.

How To Ground And Center (WikiHow) - Through physical means, one is calmed (removing the emotional chaos, so one is not scattered).

The Art Of Being Grounded And Centered- By a recommended resource.

Ground And Center - What Does That Mean And How Do I Do It? - More of a visualization, spiritualish approach but a valid alternative or addition.

Grounding And Centering - Critical Needs Today


Meditative type:  Patvayoga.com - Good articles. 

Book:  50+ Body Grounding Exercises For Your Well-Being - Excellent, includes photos and great directions.


(These are in "notes" format, for scannng to get the general idea.)

Not scattered, not distracted

Firm foundation 
1.firmly established
2.practical or realistic
3.natural, sincere, etc.
4.stable, secure, etc.
solid basis, reasoned, sound mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious <remains grounded despite all the praise and attention>

The definition of grounded is someone or something stable, sincere, practical or firmly established

An example of grounded is someone who reacts calmly in a crisis


not easily uprooted, unsettled.  settled.   safe...certain...

in control

from a central power point, director..

understand how life is truly simple and easy

Being grounded requires clarity of purpose and the cutting away of all distractions

solid as a tree with strong roots.
relaxed and alert, not distracted...not in fear

keeps one centered or is a characteristic of centered grounded
feeling present, alert, not elsewhere
exercise, nature, good nutrition
not swayed by emtoinoal storms 
emotional authenticity


Lack of perspective (so you can't see where you are or be more definite due to haivng things in perspective)
Unable to focus
Peaks of high and low energy (variation outside the range of high functionality)
An inability to manifest the things you want in life
Poor memory
Confusion, a non-definiteness about life or any critical area of life
Not feeling fully alive and alert


As with anything that is vital to your life, pursue this until you fully understand this and have implemented it consistently into your life.


Grounding And Centering Contents, Links

Do these! Master These!


Deep breathing, deep relaxation
Moving, walking, exercising
anything that affects your energy so it is in the useful balance range highly functioning
Being grounded requires clarity of purpose and the cutting away of all distractions
Actually center your body, forwards/backwards, each side, standing tall, shoulders back, breathing deeply

practice the way of being centered so it is an automatic go to
physical sends signals both ways..
happens when we can accept the people, places and things in our life not accepting, resisting

stop what takes away from being grounded:

Bad diet, allowing brain fog
Doing too many things, not enough self care
Not enough rest, sleep
trying to win others approval, being dependent on
indulging your emotions vs. handling them
blaming, complaining, criticizing
blaming and criticizing one's self
self doubt

physical grounding:
say to self "relax" and breathe out slowly and completely
touch your toes

avoid overwhelm (use relaxation, meditation,
stop and breathe
Identify (describe) what is going on, objectively (this way:  What's Happening.
Pause before taking any action
Empowering self talk (from 10 memorized)
  I can handle this.  I'm in control.  It will be ok.
take a "time out" (break)
Notice detail in some physical object
Say "it's good to be alive (or some other perspective statement)
Spending time being authentic, with close friends
helping someone..
Organize (7 Ways...)


Taking on too much, no time for perspective
Engaging in escapes (distractions, substance misuse, soft addictions)