“Heaven, on earth”
I am the creator, cause of my life.
Compassionate, non-judgment, non-criticism
Roles: Leader, role model, Chief Energy Officer
Life is just the way it is.
You are it, no other person will save you,
independently strong.
I complete things.
I use truth impeccably speak progress, not speak untruth, stories, or reasons why I am stuck
“Try” doesn’t exist.
No need to compete.
I express awe and wonder (good part of child view)
Accept self way I am, everybody is, world is
Never any judgment
Things are neutral and very usable, appreciate them
I cease believing in my created personality
I see and have defined who I am
My word, my intent runs life
I am fully aware of the wonder of the body, mind, and
how all that works.
I rely only on truth.
I am aware of all consequences.
I have mastered my attention, instead of letting my
belief system rule from a weak will or letting
anything catch my attention
I live, love, without fear
I realize I have the ultimate power of intent, power of
belief to create what I want.
I know that every negative word creates a body
chemical effect, so I cease the negative
I have gained power of will, to direct my attention and
my life.
I respect and have unconditional love for my self.
I am the force. I need no other force to be with me. I
am the manifestation of that force.
I am healthily skeptical and listen well.
I have faith in myself and heed my instincts, to use
with my higher brain’s reasoning power
I believe in and practice Absolute Authenticity
I trust that, “overall”, things are going to be just fine,
and that life becomes easy.
I love my self unconditionally.
I create my own dreams