Per the tv, books, or what people tell me, I see and “buy into” the belief that in order to feel ok, I must: Use a checkmark or “x” to indicate full buy in; use a fraction to indicate that you partially buy into it, e.g. buying it halfway, you’d put ½ or 50%.

___ have a charismatic personality
___ be liked by everybody
___ be very powerful
___ be very attractive
___ be a star
___ be number one (or at least close)
___ be very smart
      ___ be a rocket scientist
___ not look like I’m getting old(er)
___ never make mistakes
___ be a great lover
___ be courageous
___ have a scintillating conversational ability
___ be rich
___ never feel bad
___ never feel inferior
___ never be weak in anyway
___ be as good as a particular person…
___ _________________________________________
___ _________________________________________

Write any comments in the open spaces.  Go to the second page when you’re through.


I am clear that:

__ This is what I must have (the items checked above) to be happy or worthy or ?.

__ I realize I could set the above (very unrealistic) “standards” in my life, but that I could
     set different, more realistic “standards” for what will make me feel happy, fulfilled, or

__ I accept not being the above (and if any were to happen that might be a bonus or
     adventure, but __ I see that it does not determine my happiness)

__ I “see” that there is no “real” standard in existence that says whether I am worthy,
     successful, or whatever.  It is only my buy-in or my consciously creating those that
     determines the “standards”.

__ I promise to set my criteria for being happy, fulfilled, and/or “successful in life”
     by ____/____/_____.  (I will

Date signed:  ____/____/_____

Signature: _____________________

The date to review this is ____/____/_____.

Date reviewed and revised if necessary was:  ____/____/_____

The Unhappiness Gap - This is how to create unhappiness in life. 

Success In Life - How to achieve it and "be" it.