All on youtube for free. If not linked, just enter title into search engine.
Follow a person onto the other videos, usually to the right.
Improve Your Life Using A Daily Success Routine - The Day Launcher System - Derek Franklin, power of immersion, sense of clarity, high positive energy, 20-30 minutes. He has an ebook on it. 1. Calm your mind. 2. Express your things 3. Read something positive. 4. Write your discoveries (lessons) 5. Review your targets (mission, goals, perfect day, principles, values) - in a visual way. 6. Watch something inspirational. 7. Blast off!
Three Daily Success Habits (5:53) - Gratitude, 5 successes, opportunities, daily documents (quotes from best, Kekich credos, 34 Maverick... personal life rules, weekly list of best lessons I learned
The Most Motivating Video For Success - Jim Carrey, Tyler Perry, Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Will Smith, Brian Tracy, Jay Z, - Love it, care about, persevere, change shoulds to musts, etc.
The Psychology Of Success (13:48) - Day One of Mastery TV with Les Brown, you can go to the next one by entering Masterytv and/or The Course In Mastery into search engine. Also listen to Les Brown on success, use search engine