tba, in process...but totally usable.
Key Questions to ask daily
Forms for use/revision <<<< Notice this section.
My story
Without getting overall perspective on the day and deciding the pieces and timing of what will accomplish the highest value for you, you cannot live a great life or the components of a great life: great days. You would only live a small bit of a life compared to the level of happiness, achievement and fulfillment you potentially could get out of life - with vastly more of what you want in life.
Too much hassle? Well, 15 minutes of planning saves 150+ minutes of time, plus it makes one's day vastly more productive in terms of value.
If you set it up right, it takes only about 5 minutes a day for the plan.
It is best to use a form, one you have devised with all of the elements or someone else's, perhaps with a sheet that you look at to serve as a checklist or reminder of what to include in a daily plan.
I've listed below some items you might wish to use:
Question to ask
Examples of schedules, routines, and practices you might want to have in your day.
Forms for your use.
What has to happen today to have me feel good about today? (This changes the activities to what will have one feel more accomplished but also causes the addition of self-care, enjoyment, or happiness activities.)
I also use "now what can I do today that will add to my day?"
An example of what a committed day would look like:
What some of the pieces would look like
Centering For The Day - An example of what one person does and how he uses the Reminders Book, with specific links to what he refers to - alot of pieces...
What to consider inserting into your day:
Daily Action Plan Booklet - This is the table of contents for a notebook you could use to keep the planning documents in. There is one of the listed forms in the table that are included in that same document, and the others are linked to below:
Grasscatcher of to dos - The form is in the Booklet above.
have some spare time and can't think of what to do otherwise.
you list your goal to do with each of them, your priority and urgency and the target date. Keep
this up as a reference section of your operating book.
(This is called also Major Challenges Idea Generator.)
Includes a form for each habit, listing the payoffs and then "20 reasons why I want to change this
habit; impacts on myself and others" and a place to commit, to set up a plan and a strategy..
The first page is your master listing page for reference when you're ready to handle the next
change. To implement changes effectively, see
Daily Action sheets - Varies in format. It is the overall sheet you use for your planning the day.
Victory List - Title your pages "My Victories List" and list your victories daily, being very generous,
such that even seemingly small things are recognized. It is vital that you not take anything for
granted and fully appreciate you power to cause things in life.
then she did not follow through on using it, but you'll get some idea of "major victories" that are
not daily but which should be kept in your Me Book or Life Plan Notebook
Although I knew the idea of why daily planning was good and had used the procedure during my business days, I let it slip in so-called retirement. The results of letting that slip varied from getting to the end of the day and wondering what I did with the day, not making much progress on what was most important, piles of undones and lots of "messes" - and a vague sense of lack of accomplishment together with a bit of feeling "short" of what I expected of myself (called the Unhappiness Gap).
Formats for daily planning are in most "planner" books and software. (See Time Management Systems. Good systems include Microsoft Outlook, Plan Plus (Franklin-Covey), Nozbe, Simpleology - I use Google Calendar and Gtasks because I can manipulate them to serve my particular style (and simplemindedness).
Typical daily planning sheets might include:
Daily contacts - Give self points for contacts, meetings
Top 5 for the day
Task list to do
Hour by hour blank spaces for the day
And contain also some checklists:
__ Water sufficient (per plan),
__ Exercise completed,
__ Reflection time,
__ Reading time,
__ Did I do what I said I would do today?
__ Prioritized,
__ Organized, including finishing up the day organized
__ Simplify/Eliminate that which does not deserve your time and energy.
__ Did I stop when tense or stressed and breathe deeply and slowly for 2 minutes.
References for daily, weekly, monthly planning could include your
Value list - Separate out top 10
Your purpose statement
Your 90 day goals - personal, work, financial
Life goals
Incompletes - home tasks, repair, work, mental
Keep up in each area of life: Home in repair, list of psych bothers (and fix right away), be in connection with three really important people
List annual projects and tasks
Set up a 12 month calendar overview. (Search the Month-By-Day pages, which
includes a 12 month blank.)
Your day's key exercise sessions should have already been inserted when you did your weekly planning. The plan for the day is an update from what you planned for the week, plus obviously added in details...
There's plenty of these available, so I won't duplicate those suggestions. However, at the very list, each meeting MUST have:
desired outcome
action steps