Will be built further, but essential, useful information and links are provided already.
Time share?
Dream vacation, bucket lists
Websites to use
Jet Lag, Fatigue
It is worth it to explore a few of the travel sites below to see what is available and then to choose which to revisit. Having the best travel clothes (and "layering") and packing correctly can also make a huge difference.
For many people, travel will be a major source of pleasure, even if for only a few weeks a year, so it is well worth investing a few hours learning the essential basics and the options available.
The key thing that most people forget about is that the trip is for pleasure and for rejuvenation, not for wearing oneself out "accomplishing" a visit to the most places.
Leaving time for rejuvenation and assuring you are refreshed, as suggested below under Jet Lag, Fatigue, will make a huge difference!
Plan your preparation for the trip in detail at least a week ahead of time, list of what you have to do, the hours each will take, and then insert the tasks into your daily schedule for each day of the week. Allow for packing, as there are so many small thing to complete and find, at least four hours - do not assume you'll be efficient!
This list makes my packing so much easier and so much more certain:
make sure you don't forget anything plus it cuts down on the time by being more
The pros:
What are my dream vacations? Go to www.igougo.com for a great way of identifying
100 possible dream vacations.
travel services, senior discounts
25 Best Travel Sites - Kiplinger.com
including reviews of everything from luggage to whatever.
Travel planning tools:
Travelocity.com.RoadTripWizard: Directions, hotels, restaurants, itinerary
ProfessionTravelGuide.com - Worldwide destination information, hotel and
restaurant reviews and other content formerly only available to travel agents.
Cruises: Research and compare: Cruisecritic.com, TripAdvisor.com
See the travel tips planning article on "Cheap Cruising".
Shopping for travel clothes, accessories, handy support items:
Internet Travel Planner, How To Plan Trip and Save Money Online, Michael Shapiro
Arrive one extra day early, so that you will be rested and able to enjoy the trip more, instead of feeling fatigued and not being so able to enjoy yourself.
Leave one extra day after arriving back home to rest and relax, going to bed early that night so you're refreshed when going back to work or normal activities.