I can be a hero.
A hero is:
“A man of distinguished valor or performance,
admired for his noble qualities.”
My valor will be in choosing to continue after I fall down (not the image of risking my life in a movie).
My performance can be great, because I can choose to hone it and hone it.
I can embrace noble qualities, and, though imperfectly, I can practice them until I substantially can “be” them.
The noble qualities I choose now, in this moment, when my vision is clear and my inspiration plentiful, are:
To help my fellow man live far better lives so that they can truly love the lives they live and live the lives they love.
To stand for this happening.
To be a man of great beneficence.
To engage my abilities and refine them to being ever more effective, to achieve the ends, not for personal (fleeting) aggrandizement.
To stand straight and powerfully and serve as a model (for the cause, not for personal reasons) and an inspiration for others, yet still be authentic in my humanness.
To do all I can in this single purpose, no matter if I am initially not qualified or competent and have no idea how the results will be manifested.
To take incredible care of my body, so that I am in the athletic shape to handle being a hero, such that others follow the example.
To spend my life on things that matter and to stop spending it in the trivial.
To show how a human being can do it, such that others see the possibility of who they can be.
To do it humbly, humanly, and keep getting up and going at it again.
This is my pledge, this is who I am, this is the value I promise to create in this world.
So be it, now and forever,
Keith D. Garrick 6/15/05