Begining this checklist

Actually physically check this off as to what you acknowledge is true and/or what you will do, depending on the nature of the item!

Excess sugar, including refined carbs, which are readily converted to sugar, is the chief culprit and the one to focus on.
    __ I acknowledge this and agree with it.
    __ Sugar causes more cravings later, so you have to get out of the spiral!
    __ I will not eat more than 100 sugar calories a day (refined carb grams times 4)
__ Never eat fried foods
Use movement and rest to restore how you feel, not food.
Wait 2-5 minutes before acting on a food impulse.
Always drink a glass of water prior to eating (15-30 minutes before hand)
What is satisfying and long lasting so I do not suffer from hunger is
__ Protein
__ Fat that is basically healthy (avocado has good fat)
__ High fiber (even put into water - so buy the packets or jars)
__ Eat a small snack when I am hungry (100-150 calories preferred.

__ Prepare large crock pots of healthy filling foods (beans and such)
__ Eat only until slightly content never to feeling very full.  May take signal 20 minutes to arrive, so eat slowly if possible or in a pre-proportioned amount, no second servings before 20 min.
__ Highly useful to only have pre-preportioned meals and snacks.  (A system like Nutrisystem is darned definite and is effective.)
__ If eating something not so healthy, eat only the first 20%, as satisfaction drops precipitously after that!
__ Set a specific weight target.
__ Once reached set a limit for how much it can go up before initiating adjustments (say, 3 lbs, but no more!).  Implement Plan B (i.e. go on the healthy dieting process).
__ Post and/or keep in a notebook easy reference sheets
   __ Healthy snacks
__ Use a shopping list with only healthy foods on it.
    __ I must purge my house of all but the healthy foods.  No compromises.  Crappola will only
        hurt me, though I may not see all the effects right away.
__ Eat off a nine-inch plate for the rest of your life.
__ Prepare lots and lots of vegetables and eat those first, 1/2 of the plate.
__ Use a written plan, ala The Skill And The Process For Effective Change (read and understand how that works, for this is the whole basis for change, which is what you are doing!) 

__ I acknowledge that excess weight, definitely at a BMI of more than 25, together with what causes the weight gain, will cause:

__ Cancer
__ Heart disease and early death
__ Diabetes, which causes anything from loss of limbs to deterioration of the body.
__ Wearing of the bones (from the extra load)
Energy loss
Not feeling good physically

Being at the healthy weight will reduce such disease by 90+%.

High Fructose Corn Syrup - A Toxic Killer - Proof, scientifically, about the damage and how we must, must, must dramatically change this!  The key to weight loss forever!

Why We Get Fat - And The Myths That Keep Us This Way - This will stop your weight gain and allow loss.

Overview, supportive piece

Conquering Weight - Checklist For Getting The Odds On Your Side And Making It Easy 


The Diet Principles

Read the overview and "the vicious cycles."


Post this where you can see it for a reminder and/or tickle it on your calendar for weekly review!

Actually physically check this off as to what you acknowledge is true and/or what you will do, depending on the nature of the item!  Circle the ones you need to be reminded of.


Excess sugar, including refined carbs, which are readily converted to sugar, is the chief culprit and the one to focus on, often causing diabetes and always extra fat!
    __ I acknowledge this and agree with it.
    __ Never eat any fructose that is not in fruit (limit fruit to apple and a few berries, no
         bananas or other high glycemic fruit)
    __ Do not drink any fruit juices, ever, and, of course, no sugary drinks!
    __ Sugar causes more cravings later, so you have to get out of the spiral!
    __ I will not eat more than 100 sugar calories a day (refined carb grams times 4)
         __ Maintain even if not on a diet at no more than 200 calories (40 gms)
__ Never eat fried foods or any foods with transfats or hydrogenated fats!


__ Use movement and rest to restore how you feel, not food.
__ Exercise, for energy and better metabolism (not much direct calorie effect)
    __ 30+ min/day preferred, take exercise breaks (5 minutes of movement)
__ Full night's sleep (wake up without alarm clock, 7+ hours) - Huge difference (helps to keep hunger and satiety hormones in proper balance)
__ Napping (10-20 min, no more), as many as are needed.


What is satisfying and long lasting so I do not suffer from hunger is
__ Protein (and 1+/week of non-farmed fish for Omega 3)
__ Fat that is basically healthy (avocado has good fat, omega 3, nuts)
__ High fiber (even put into water - so buy the packets or jars) (female 25 grams, male
    38, adjust for weight) - Drink extra water to prevent constipation
__ Eat a small snack when I am hungry (100-150 calories preferred) or periodically.
__ Try eating 1/2 meals, knowing you can always eat the other half, or part of it, later.
    (this worked for me at one time, but the Atkins diet may be more effective and you're
    never hungry)


__ Eat only until slightly 'content' (satisfied, not hungry) never to feeling very full.  May take signal 20 minutes to arrive, so eat slowly if possible or in a pre-proportioned amount, no second servings before 20 min.  But never go hungry!
    __ Eat on nine inch plates not big ones (even if have to put more on it later...), it's
    psychological but also gives a better sense of the right amount!
__ Always drink a glass of water prior to eating (15-30 minutes before hand)
__ Wait 2-5 minutes before acting on a food impulse.
__ I must purge my house of all but the healthy foods.  No compromises.  Junk food will
    only hurt me, though I may not see all the effects right away.
   __ No calorie dense foods, except high protein items and some fat
__ Don't interfere with body's system to indicate "enough".  High Fructose Corn Syrup does
   not cause a signal, so it is easy to overeat, plus it highly converts to "bad" fat.


__ A friend who is truly committed, not flaky
__ A system/coach:  Nutrisystem pre-proportioned type, WeightWatchers, etc., Overeater's Anonymous


__ Use a shopping list with only healthy foods on it. (Purge house of everything else.)
__ Post and/or keep in a notebook easy reference sheets
   __ Healthy snacks


__ Limit sugar calories to 100/day, including refined foods (carb grams times 4)


__ Purge all forbidden and low quality foods from your house (and office)
__ Prepare large crock pots of healthy, filling foods (beans and such), so always available
    as a good food (remember to count the carbs in beans, possible leave out first few
    weeks in a diet and possibly throughout the diet period.
__ Eat off a nine-inch plate for the rest of your life (put the others one in hard to reach
__ Prepare lots and lots of vegetables and eat those first, 1/2 of the plate.
__ Highly useful to only have pre-preportioned meals and snacks.  (A system like Nutrisystem is darned definite and is effective.)
__ If eating something not so healthy, eat only the first 20%, as satisfaction drops precipitously after that!


__ Use a written plan, ala The Skill And The Process For Effective Change (read and understand how that works, for this is the whole basis for change, which is what you are doing!) 
__ Set a specific weight target.
__ Once reached set a limit for how much it can go up before initiating adjustments (say, 3 lbs, but no more!).  Implement Plan B (i.e. go on the healthy dieting process).


__ I acknowledge that excess weight, definitely at a BMI of more than 25, together with what causes the weight gain, will cause:

__ Cancer
__ Heart disease and early death
__ Diabetes, which causes anything from loss of limbs to deterioration of the body.
__ Wearing of the bones (from the extra load)
__ Energy loss
__ Not feeling good physically

__ Being at the healthy weight, with some exercise, and good nutrition will reduce such disease by 90+%.