You know what you should do or what you want to do, but then you just can't seem to do it - because you just don't "feel" like doing it.
This is not some great moral issue. It's not a right/wrong, "you're bad" issue.
It is strictly mechanics and we often do not have a sufficient understanding on how the mechanics of it work.
If we "think" we want to do something, but there are other perceived needs by the body that conflict, the greater, more imperative need will win. We can be a passive actor in the drama or we can change the odds of who will rule, so that we can get more of what we want in life.
We simply misinterpret signals (feelings, sensations) and then often do not know how to respond appropriately.
This is an issue at the very foundation of human motivation - one that is vital to understand if one wants to create a great and happy life.
Get the players on your side ↑ to overwhelm the players on the "other side".
More players Fewer players
Stronger players Weaken players
Committed players
Motivated, focused players
Imagine what you'd do if Tony Robbins was there with you! Get some of his cds!
Or go right now to listen/watch one of his talks free: Tony Robbins Resources. [He would be an example of a "player" to add to your side (of winning the battle, easily).]