(being drafted and added to...)
Beliefs List
As I write this section, I am struck by the realization that the beliefs we have to deal with (the negative ones) are all formed around, or actually are, fears we have. (Duh...)
As such it would seem logical that you'd find it useful to study the Fear section and to be fully grounded to the degree you are "wise".
These beliefs are also what create fear. Great fear is based on a concept of survival that is typically exaggerated and not true. See Fear. Read specifically Fears List - Identifying Your Fears And What To Do To Handle Them. Fears and false beliefs thrive on vagueness, for without vagueness (i.e. when looked at definitively) they do not hold up as being true or real.
Since beliefs cause emotions, they are linked to Emotion Management. The key items of concern and emotion are listed and linked from the Detailed Contents Of the Psychology section. Otherwise, use the search engine for now.
(Or you can use The Belief Manual, below in Resources! It lists the limiting beliefs and the opposite statements to replace those.)
The list itself
Below are some examples of beliefs and belief-related concepts, but for all the detail go to Detailed Contents/Links For the Beliefs Section and see the extensive Specific Beliefs box. This is only a partial list, for perspective. Click on the individual ones in the detailed contents section, but be sure to click on all the similar and/or related beliefs so that you can "surround" the whole situation; then go to the Changing Beliefs section and change them!!!!!
Dependence and powerlessness related
Not good enough, unworthy,
Something is wrong with me
Thoughts being real
My thoughts simply happen and/or I am the victim of them
Something bad will happen
Something is wrong
I'll not be able to handle it
Old age
Unhappiness in future
Time - not enough, hurried, not getting enough done
Many more, but all are primarily based on just a few basic beliefs, as in the discussion about beliefs.
The Belief Manual, the third section of Change Your Mind, Change Your World, A Practical Guide To Turning Limiting Beliefs Into Positive Realities, Dr. Richard Gillett.