"We can be happy if we simply see what is there and noting its wonderfulness."
The BuddhaKahuna
Somehow we have grown to believe that if we aren't fully capable of being superman or even of being as well off as we (mis)perceive others to be that we have "lost" and are "inferior" - both false beliefs.
It is as if we are eating a piece of a delicious pie, but our piece is only 60% of the size of another person's pie. So we make ourselves unhappy.
If you look at it a certain way, you'll see that this makes no sense and is, indeed, "stupid" (ignorant, not based on sound reasoning).
So, we go through life with a "lack" (what's missing) mentality, when, in truth, we have no lack that is such that it prevents us from getting what we truly want out of life. What we truly want out of life is a sense of safety, peace, and deep happiness.
If we have low energy, then we start a cycle where we do not get alot done and then the next part of the cycle is to bemoan that we have not got more done, and then the next part of the cycle is to feel exhausted from the tension of thinking one hasn't got enough done, and then we feel low energy and the cycle starts again, but tends to go in a downward spiral.
So, we have this partial lack of capability (i.e. some incapacitation) - and we may or may not be able to overcome it. But we can interrupt and eventually let go of the part of the cycle that pushes us downward and stresses us. (And there is a very high chance we can get rid of the low energy, but I am assuming that there is some inherent unchangeable body condition here, for purposes of gaining our perspective about this "lack".
With a partial lack of capacity, you simply (most likely) cannot generate enough energy to fuel the actions necessary to accumulate "pie", so you get to eat less pie than other people. But..however...note, please... you still have pie to enjoy - and you can enjoy it alot more if you don't top it off with toxics, such as "ain't it awful" that others have more - without buying into this bullbleep concept that has no validity and no valid purpose.
Some variations that are similar:
I had bad training from my childhood ("I'm stuck being unhappy because..." followed by some bullbleep concept of being a victim of something that we think is fixed and permanent instead of seeing that it isn't.)
I can't help but think negatively.
I am a victim of my hyperventilation.
I am inferior, not good enough...
I am not as good looking...
I am not as accomplished...
All of these don't exist in reality (though there is a pattern of electrical/chemical neurons that created these from nothing). They are simply things we made up, but, obviously, haven't corrected - surely, if we made them up in the first place, we have the ability to correct them and make up new neuronal patterns. (This is the point when Landmark Forum asks you to recognize 'stories' that you made up and when Buddhism asks you to see that these are simply 'mental constructs' that we created and that they are not real [illusions, without physical substance].)
The reality is that you are as capable as you are. Yes, you can increase that capability, but only to a realistically human level. There are some things you will not learn or cannot do (such as jump ten feet or fly by flapping your arms). But you have some level of capability and that level will produce some results that are good and some that are not good, but, on the whole, positive - if we see and add everything in. (We tend to "zone out" and be blind to many things, that we mostly 'take for granted' and don't see that we have something that is above zero and that it is good.)
In the piece Bad Past, Good Life, it discusses not only bad past in terms of pschology but also physical happenings. W. Mitchell is first burn horribly and then let crippled, but is now a motivational speaker, who says " Before I was paralyzed there were 10,000 things I could do. Now there are 9,000. I can either dwell on the 1,000 I’ve lost or focus on the 9,000 I have left."
In a similar manner, you, too, have such a choice.
You can make the best of it or you can bemoan it.
If you choose to make the best of it, you will actually pass up most of those people who have a greater natural capacity than you and you will have more of what you want in life. You will fully utilize your basic capacity and make it be Intelligent Awareness, where application is what creates results far above that of "knowing of" something.
Some people see some of what is there and they "depreciate" it. They make it less, in their minds, and even take for granted some of the incredible wonders of life.
Those people are unhappy or at least less happy, because they have reduced the abundance of what we can be happy about to a small pile. (That pile is usually based on something spectacular or special, so they are always trying to reach that level, and, like perfection, they are simply setting themselves up for disappointment. They could, instead, set themselves up for happiness.
Read the Gratitude section and install it in your life. You have more than enough to be happy, even if you are partially incapacitated but still partially capacitated - the latter is a wonderful thing, never to be diminished by some false "should".
Notes to be possibly included here or in another piece:
It's only a movie. When we go to zero (die), the movie is simply over. And, before we depart, we are here - and we are blessed. Notice that those people who are down to 5% or 10% of what life could be still want to hold on, to, in a sense, enjoy eating another piece of pie (the pie of life), squeezing another few ounces extra out of life - and having had a humongous pile of wonderfulness accumulated in the experiences of their lives. (It is only the belief that they should have more that has them be unhappy, essentially creating the Happiness Gap.)
There is nothing to lose - as it is all extra and more than we had before we were born. There is only the reaping of life's opportunities and the seeds we sow. In a sense, there is the chance to experience wonderfulness and to be able to see the wonderfulness - at a deeper level than the obvious wonderfulness of eating a piece of pie, piled on top of having eaten lots of pie.