Pause, breathe
Notice what is occurring in the now
Ask questions:
What is going on?
Label emotions, thoughts
Is there anything actually going on outside me
that actually affects me?
Other questions, methods.
Qualities of sensations:
Notice: burning, cold, tingling, tense
Visualizing creatively: how much water could it
hold, texture, shape, changes, temperature,
describe precisely/exactly
Notice: they are passing, soon to dissipate
This is not me. I am the observer.
I am the awareness. I am not the thought, as it is passing
Emotions are just emotions
Just emotions, biochemical sensations resulting
from a stimulus "designed" to stimulate action
No other meaning in themselves
I am only adding meaning and value
Thoughts are just thoughts
Just bits of data stimulated by associations that match data in brain. Usually no significance.
I sort out for anything that is actually threatening and I choose what to react to and not react to.