Your choice to be a fool or to be a wiseperson 
It's really quite simple and straighforward 
The truth test
Isn't it more complex than this?
"The Work" of Byron Katie
Forms to follow, use


If something doesn't pass the truth test, why in the heck would you want to believe it?  Why would you hold on to such a thing, especially if it did you damage?   Wouldn't you be making yourself into a fool by continuing to believe an "untruth"?  

Well, yes, if it is useful to believe it and that usefulness passes the logic and reasoning test, then ok!  That is for a good purpose.

But the beliefs, thoughts, and generalities that you use in life that are not serving you well, should be subjected to the "truth test".  

And you would also subject to the "truth test"  the new beliefs that you derive from modifying the untrue old beliefs.  This would, of course, include the affirmations that you would use, as only "what is true" should be affirmed as being true!  (Duh!)

I think Byron Katie's (see below) question to start off the truth process is apropos here:  Do you really want to know the truth?"

What is your answer?   (It should be the same answer as "if there was a way to be happier, would you use it?")


The "truth test" itself is quite simple.  

You would ask about some belief or perception "is it true?"  And if it isn't, you would either stop adhering to it and/or you'd modify it until you came up with something that is true. 

A subtlety here, which you can use as a principle, is that, other than a very few circumstances, if you feel bad as a result of a thought or belief, then it is based on untruth.  The argument for this will be in another section, as it takes a bit of thinking and discussion to prove it, plus a conceptual leap in one's philosophy, a leap toward much healthier thinking.    

So "do I feel bad?" is a subquestion leading to suggesting that you subject the thought or belief to the "truth test".  

There is a bit of a logical exception, I think, that works also.   Since some things cannot absolutely be proven to be true, one could ask this alternative question:  "Is it logically possible?"

Is it logically possible that you could jump over a building?  No.  Make $250,000 in the next three months from a low income now by using The Secret?  No.  (My apologies to the believers of The Secret,;though the law of attraction does work, it is not magical and it doesn't work all the time.)

Is it logically possilbe that you could overcome your depression, anxiety, or lack of self-esteem?

Certainly.  If you do the things that have worked for others, in a complete way, it is certainly possible, and highly probable, that you would succeed in that endeavor.


Prompters to ask the truth question:  "Do I feel bad?" or "Does it produce a bad result?"  [If something produces a negative emotion and/or a bad result, it likely stems from a falsehood, in the form of a "belief".]

The first truth question:    Is it true?    

If someone answers yes, based on a strong belief, then the second question is necessary:

The second truth question:  Is it absolutely, provably, logically true?  

This will screen out almost all "pretenders" to truth.

The third truth question:  If that isn't the truth, what is?

Then simply write down (or dialogue) the alternatives that could be the truth.  As in other parts of the site where we suggest that if something isn't working then you probably should try the opposite, you could do the same with your untrue belief.

An interesting, and apparently productive, way of generating alternatives is to use the "turnaround" that Byron Katie has incorporated into her "The Work" process.

Finally, you'll picking the top ones, if there are several, and see which passes the test.  

You could very reasonably also run it by a wise person to make sure it is true.  


I ask you in your LifeBuild to learn what reality is, so you can take any belief and test it against reality.  We could use the test "does this actually cause something in the real world?"  If the answer is "no", then it is strictly a figment of our imagination, something made up and believed in the 'metaphysical' (not physical, mind) world.

The effect is what we call a "consequence", something that actually impacts you.  If someone rejects you and then you check your physical body over, you will note that Nothing Actually Happened (i.e. that there is no real consequence). 

Use this test and you can simply laugh at the irrational, nonfactual thoughts that constantly stream from the random associations of Lennie (the primitive and nondiscriminating mind).

You will get to the point of being relatively fearless when you realize the above AND you are able to assess the actual importance of any actual consequences and know that they are either insignificant (and that you'll still be ok) and/or that you can handle them and still make a good life!  (99+% of your "fears" will disappear!)


No, not really.  We don't need to do years of psychoanalysis to figure out the original of some idiotic, harmful belief.  We're smart enough to go into our intellect (which is the only way to solve a problem) to recognize what is wrong and/or what is doing harm.  And then, though you might occasionally seek some help where there is special knowledge needed, it is fairly simple to determine what is workable and true.  And then you take the truth and "affirm" it until you've grooved it into your neuronal pathways (see How The Mind Developed).

It's not the complexity of this or the difficulty of this, as it is fairly easy, it is the resistance to doing it in today's world of immediate gratification and misleading tempters.  

If you'll commit, then you'll succeed.

So, do you commit to using the truth test for all items requiring it?  

                   ___ Yes                ___ No


Suffering from severe depression for many years, the depression disappeared one day never to return, simply because of asking (and adhering to) the question "is it true?"  I know several people who are seekers of wisdom who follow her work (called "The Work") extensively, reading her books and attending her workshops.

You might want to read the following material and watch the interviews to get a further insight into how she works

She has, in my opinion, been generous in providing an excellent website for our use, to whatever extent we want to use it:  TheWork.Com

See the video interviews using the process, which are listed for you at The 4 Questions In Byron Katie's "The Work".  

Note the Instructions For Doing The Work.  (Interesting start off question "Do you really want to know the truth?"

Tiger, Tiger, Is It True? - A little book for kids (but actually maybe also for adults?).   Listen to the video commentary.  See the "story"right above the interview and see if it applies to you as an adult (it probably does!). 


Rational Analysis - What actually happened, what were your beliefs, what is not true and what is the "new" true?   

Truth - Know The Difference 

Freedom Not To Be Your  

Living a life based on truth  

Use of logic to solve     


The point of it all:  If it isn't true, stop believing it and go establish what is true!!!!

Is it true?

Is it provably, absolutely true?

Is there an actual real world consequence or the real threat of one?

(Read the discussion!)

Perhaps post this on your wall or in your Reminders Notebook to be repeated as needed.

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Items considered to be indisputable religious scriptures can be considered as basic givens that are not subject to testing.  Keeping those intact, one would still apply the question of "does it produce a positive, desired result" and use that on one's interpretations or added meanings they inserted.