To be edited more


Your alarm system will send out lots of alarms.  That's its purpose, to warn you of possible danger.

You will feel anxiety.  It is unavoidable.  But, then, there is a choice around how much you react and how you set the system.

My car alarm is a wonder.  If I leave it unlocked and  I've removed the keys, it will lock itself (with the locks down) sometimes.  If I leave the keys in it and get out of the car, the alarm system will set to go off, but it will not lock the doors - so I can get in it to get my keys, but not without the alarm going off.

If the car is jolted with a solid jar, but not much, the alarm will go off.  If it is bumped a little, it will chirp-chirp, giving a warning.  (If the top is down and I reach over the window and drop something in the seat it will chirp-chirp and if that something is a bit heavier it will set the alarm off. 

I chose to have my system this way as it was suitable according to the expertise of the alarm installation company. 

My own internal body/mind alarm system had its settings evolve over time for what worked.   Unfortunately, the evolution of the alarm system has not changed much from 10,000 years ago, so it is "off" a bit in its response to todays constant jarring.  Indeed, it will chirp-chirp quite a bit.

But I need to know that I need not pay it much attention, just note it.  I know that if it is something severe enough, the full alarm will go off - and then I really need to look and listen and see if the car (my being and/or my safety) is being violated - and I need to decide if I need to do something about it or just to turn it off (by relaxing and calming my amygdala).  

If my alarm goes off too often, I need to take it in for a service.  If there is an electrical system problem, I need to reinsulate and adjust the wiring - it got too frayed by too much use, too much stress, too much misinterpretation, too little care (rest, relaxation, mind calming and soothing, diet, exercise) - so I go into the "rejuvenation" mode to fix the wiring.

I don't get upset about the chirp-chirps, because it is a minor pre-warning - and there will be lots of those.  But if I misinterpret them, then I'll add some panic and worry energy to them and set off the alarms.  Not good!

Sometimes I need to reset the alarms big time.  The car alarm just goes off too often and I'm constantly attending to it.  Yes, it does work for scaring off the burglars, but it is doing excess that is not needed.  I need to "reset" my internal conversation at a deeper level, either through rewiring by repeating soothing, perspective statements that literally alter my wiring and/or (probably "and") I need to practice the real basic body calming (breathing, relaxation, or meditation) that literally re-wires the brain.

The good news is that your alarm system goes off to protect.

The bad news is that the alarm system is set for a different era and not suitable to the current overstimulating world, so it'll go off too much if we don't manage it and/or adjust it.

So the good news is that we can manage it and/or adjust it.

The bad news is that it takes some effort and time, learning and practicing.

The good news is that the effort and time pays off enormously.

We are blessed with a basic automatic system that is incredible and such a gift.  However, we must do what is smart to have it work optimally for today's world. 

I am happy to do that.   Life is good.

I must remember that violating the rules here is no different than violating gravity - I'll get slammed at some point.  However, sometimes we don't pay attention and we think we are getting away with it - but it always comes back and bites you over time - and even in the short run, but we get accustomed to it, and it goes out of our awareness, becoming part of the misery and hardness of life.  (Note that misery and hardness in life is strictly optional, just as suffering is - they are all created by us and not a necessary part of life at all.)