His "Success Principles" book is one of the very best and should be owned by anyone who is living - not just for achiever but for anyone who wants to live life successfully (happily)

Credibility is very high.  A touch of spiritual, but always in a practical context.  A very good role model.



These are short, with one point to implement.  Take the one bit of advice and take it to heart.  (If the link doesn't work, enter it into YouTube search engine.)

Interview Santa Barbara Art TV -

90-Day Challenge (3:36) - How great can you make your life from a "bad start"?   1st principle. 100% responsibility [First Step (3:11); First Principle (9:18)], totally give up blaming - avoid it is "out there", no justifying, no defending, just how can I do it.  Only How?  2nd principle:  Never Give Up  (2:19).   When world says no... 

Making Your Dreams Come True (intro; 26:04) - In multiple parts that are more than 10 minutes.  This teaches his six steps to success. Part 2 (3:39), Part 3 (8:16), Part 4 (9:25), Part 5 (13:48), Part 6 (15:00),
Part 7 (4:42), Part 8 (2:03), Part 9 (3:48)


The Success Principles - An interview. 

Four Tips For Success - Law Of Attractaion - See the link...

     Dream Big System How To Use Law Of Attraction - Teleconference, in the context of getting a
          relationship, but applies to it all.

Don't Be Afraid To Ask For What You Want -

Finding A Mentor - Identify someone who has gone down the path before you..

One Step At A Time - There is alot necessary to build success, one step at a time.


Create Your Attitude -


Getting Over  A Difficult Situation - Changing and adding to your viewpoint, for greater balance in focus.


Planning Your Day   

Wealth, Earnings, Career

How To Get Rich  

Choosing A Career


The Heart Talk - Conflict resolution, letting go of resentments. 

The "Secret"

"The Secret" Law Of Attraction Interview - What you think about will come about, shifting your feelings and what you are attuned to (noticing because it is on our mind). 

["The Secret" On Oprah - Once we get past the unrealistic mystical way many people perceive this, you can get down to using the practical, workable part of it, but coupled with action to complete the loop for success.  Link to the other parts.]

Self Esteem, Beliefs, Personal Power

How Your Beliefs Limit You - Despite fears...

Self Esteem And Peak Performance (42:56)

Personal Power - Taking complete responsibility; seeing your part; putting to work what you learn  

Go down his whole list on YouTube (go back to original search or keep reentering his name to get back to just his videos)

Jim Rohn, you can't hire other people to do pushups for you. 

Link to other top teachers:

Resources For Success


Jack Canfield Coaching - Although they orient around the Law Of Attraction they do it in a practical, non-woowoo way.