(To read the footnotes on a document on the internet, go to "view" and click on print layout.)
Use this grounding/reminding/inspiration process often,
as it rekindles one's personal power and happiness!
1st Get the idea of it.
2nd Link into the instant links into what can uplift you, center you, ground you solidly, and remind you of what works in life and how great it is!
ourselves in our strength, power, and potential and in those "useful viewpoints"
that make us feel alive with clear productive thinking.
and of things that work in life.
INSPIRATION - Contains pieces that will "power you up" and have you see the
"highest" possibilities.
One of the most powerful tools for "relearning" life viewpoints for
greater happiness and effectiveness in life.
Link, from the above page into a prototype table of contents outline that you
could use- From affirmations to gratitude reminders to enhancing your mood
and inspiring you.
See also:
special importance, to quickly review them for perspective on your life.
reminding, stimulating, etc.
Comments about this section:
The numbers indicate the order that the items would be held in a notebook. For now, use a copy of this page, cut it into individual tables of contents. Use notebook dividers you can write the number and description on. Remember, please, that this resource is designed to have a great number of possible forms for you to use, so you would select those you wish to use and do those for now, returning to the website for additional forms when you wanted to go deeper or further.
Although other "direct" approaches would seem to be more "productive", this approach is probably the most powerful of them all, as it "grounds" you into the attitudes and useful viewpoints that support you in being effective in life, with much greater power and ease. Do not underestimate its effect, as you'll find it will build a powerful, powerful base for happiness and for living the life you really would love to live.
THE NOTEBOOK SYSTEM STRUCTURE: The supporting structure of this system/process lies in the notebook system. You can sort through whatever grounds/reminds/inspires you and then insert it into your notebook, either modified or as is. See a possible table of contents to use.
BUILD INTO A REGULAR PRACTICE: If you build this into a regular (daily) practice, it will not only up the current level of how you feel and think but it will also actually rewire your brain to think more that way.
EVEN WHILE WATCHING TV: If you do watch TV, you can use these to flip through, perhaps with one particular item catching your interest. Even if used this way, it will still elevate your existence.
WHERE TO LOCATE IT: Keep all these in one place where you can easily and regularly access and use them. If you meditate or have some similar practice, keep these in that same area. The best I've seen is simply a dedicated shelf in a bookshelf where you keep things that are the best for instant reminders. Also, a section on a computer is a good idea.