
In progress, see David Allen's "Making It All Work" and, for Outlook users, see Sally McGhee's "Take Back Your Life!".

Completion Principle

If you do not complete the chain, you will fritter away many of the benefits of completion.  It only takes a little overview time and just noting what is of importance and letting go of the rest.  (Read Completion.)  [It certainly makes no sense to write down notes and then never use them!!!  Or to find them to be unusable or unfindable!!!]

The Master Notebook

Keep one notebook with you at all times to capture whatever thoughts, meeting notes, ideas, notes on anything - and thoughts on to dos.  See The Master Notebook.

Your daily tickle list will have the task "clearing of the master notebook" on it. 

Although a different medium, it is useful to have a device that will record your voice, to write down later what is dictated.

Calendar/Appointment/ToDo Tickle/Reminder System

One system, preferably electronic but all right on paper, where all dates and to dos are captured and managed.  (Go here to find the relevant information:  Implement These...)

Where would I look for it?  (Put in ALL terms that might be used in a search.)

Cross-reference each location with enough specifics to be able to find the location.

Have a complete enough description so that you can understand it and see how to proceed - not just a confusing pile of information!