Product = Some created that has value
Productivity = Product (value) created per amount of effort
Learn productivity and you can achieve anything you want that is attainable. Productivity is not about money or stressful striving, but about creating what is of value in terms of leisure, feeling good, achieving what you want - all balanced by what you see as the next thing of value (as in Living The 80/20 Life).
Print this (or copy) and enter a checkmark if you've already have implemented this or a P if you plan to do it.
__ Have a clear list of what you want in life, very, very clear one, including Values.
__ Have a reason to be productive. Write down what you would do with more time
__ Take a productivity course (Robin Sharma is good), so you can navigate the
productivity arena
__ Use a coach who is proven
__ Go only to the experts, the best - Time screening is worth it!
__ Scanning quickly to achieve an overview, determining what to dive into later
TO FREE UP TIME AND/OR INCREASE ENERGY - So you'll have enough time for learning and improving your productivity in life.
__ Increase energy, create two days from one by being fresh and energetic in late day.
__ Exercise daily at optimum level (30 minutes rigorous) - Increases energy and
therefore productivity; increases "feel good" and therefore reduces need for side relief
__ Do it 2 times a day: 30 minutes in AM and 20 about 6ish, to renew energy
__ Optimum weight, blood pressure, sugar metabolism
__ Good sleep
__ Sell your TV (or as close as you can get to not using it)
__ Reduce time users
__ Delete TV completely
__ Delete news (at least any beyond the minimum)
__ Delete travel times (use treadmill & weights at home, combine with videos and
audios and/or reading)
__ Use commute time with audio, podcasts (spend a few minutes to plan it, set it up)
__ Learn to say no, frequently (Have an established way of doing that!)
__ Have a list of what not to do
__ Have a list of what you will stop doing (similar, just a differing view).
__ Get rid of the barriers
__ Emotional barriers, in terms of false beliefs that trigger negative emotions
__ Change your unrealistic "expectations", keep perspective
__ Create a certainty foundation
__ Destroy false threats thinking completely
__ Designated high productivity periods
__ Get up at 5 am
__ Develop a strict daily routine for your top 3 (to 5) activities that you will do every day. Develops a habit where it becomes automatic and easy. Habits = power.
__ Have periods of highest productivity where you do not allow any interruption.
__ Email is only visited at specified times and only when using a Timer Tool.
__ Restrict your association to only people whom you would like to be like or do like
__ Focus on habits and forget about discipline (Strategic Coach, downloadable How To Get To The Top And Stay There)
__ Focus on cleanups and multiply energy (from above source). "A mess is an unresolved issue in your mind." "Mess = Stress" "Mess equals obligation minus commitment"
__ Focus on capabilities and multiply confidence (from above source)
__ Focus on creating value/results, forget about pleasing or conforming (except the minimum crucial parts)
__ Use a mantra: "I am now going into my power mode." "Do it now."
__ Create a distraction free workplace
__ Do each day one item you've been putting off.
PRACTICES - Many are imbedded in the other sections.
__ Operate from checklists in each important area. Reminds, reinspires, keeps on track.
__ Delegate. Outsource everything that is not your "unique capability" (or what Robin Sharma calls your Best In The World. Focus only on what you do the best. (Dan Sullivan trains people in "unique capability" idea at The Strategic Coach.)