Prospective, draft
Why I am doing this
This is what I am giving up and leaving behind
My Commitment
In the same spirit as when I clarified what was untrue in my beliefs and viewpoints about life, I am giving up and leaving behind these practices and/or beliefs. I see that this will free me up to go to the next level in my life, and then proceed up the levels, with no limits. And if I didn't do this, I would be leaving these things in place, leaving me only with the life I now have, which I declare to be unacceptable. By clearing up what has been filling my "space", I will change my life to a life where I am living into possibilities I create, and feeling the joy and satisfaction from living right now in those possibilities.
This is what I am giving up. I am giving these up and choosing in their place Power over my life. With that I will create more happiness and satisfaction in my life, on its own, besides the removal of what is holding me back from what I want!
I hereby leave behind, no longer adhere to or believe in, and no longer honor:
Any explanation for why I am how I am and any stories related to my past. I choose, instead, to leave that behind me so that I can create more freely.
Any belief or remnants of my being a child or being a victim. I leave behind being dependent and I know I am no longer powerless. Instead, I choose to recognize that I am self sufficient, and at cause over getting assistance as I need where there is expertise or specialization needed. I do not need rescue, as I am "cause" over my life and 100% responsible.
Any dramatizing and exaggerating, as that is the behavior of a small person seeing everything else as being "big" and scary. Instead, I speak only what is true, as that is what will serve me.
Any idea that my feelings come from nowhere suddenly. Instead, I realize that it is my beliefs that are the cause of feelings and any suffering, and not reality or some circumstance. As such, I am responsible for managing my beliefs, thoughts, and my feelings. I am never the victim of them, as I am the creator of them.
The idea that worry, negative rumination, or regret are useful. They are not useful and they are also most often damaging. I choose to stop them with the methods that I am learning (coping thoughts, reworking beliefs, etc.).
The idea that the world is not in my favor. Instead, I recognize that the world has more than enough opportunities and systems that I can take advantage of to create more than enough to be very happy with.
The idea that people are not, overall, good. I acknowledge that humans are imperfect and that we have some dysfunctional ways of fulfilling our needs, but strictly out of lack of awareness. Most people attempt good and the ones who don't are actually the exception.
The idea that life is not, overall, good. I know it is a gift, with a miracle body and mind, and that it is up to me to create the quality of my life, not up to some inanimate chance or "thing".
The idea that negative motivation and punishment work in the long run. I no longer use self-punishment, guilt, or shame as motivators and, instead, I use positive intention and clarity to get what I want.
The idea that happiness is provided by circumstances and other people. Instead, I am the sole creator of my happiness, and if I get bonuses that is just fine, but I do not depend on them.
The idea that control over others works. I focus, instead, on controlling myself such that I create what I want.
I hereby give up and leave the above behind, as I free myself up to create that which I want.
Signed this _____ day of __________________ , ______