Put in reverse chronological order, so that the latest is on the top, for current reference.
4/5/11 The things to do:
Exercise, even if light or non-rigorous (get moving!)
Do Hoffman Institute - Call K's friend re her experience. (Note that this is a "solve the cause" approach, rather than a "cope with the symptoms" approach; the latter just keeps things repeating and handling it over and over; the former stops the process and is immensely more productive.)
Start inserting the positive and building an alternative brain (Use the Grounding Reminders Notebook)
Do at least 10 minutes a day.
See the minister/counselor - Write down after the sessions all you have learned, discuss and squeeze it for all it is worth.
The worth of the last three items is far and above anything else you can do.
Read items sent: Positivity Ratio, as it is the essence of what changes life and it is eminently doable.
Parkinson's Law, as the excuse of "being too busy" to do what really matters does not
hold water
Add to rules in Reminders Notebook:
Make major decisions only with excellent inputters. Don't make any major decisions without checking it out with a reliable person who is knowledgeable in the field and is a good evaluator and decision maker. Keith is an excellent decision maker and excellent estimator of the future value of an activity.
Do not let