TBA, some editing possibly, but ready to use now
This is a form that shows the idea of what everyone should set up for themselves to help walk them through all the necessary pieces for reviewing the prior week and planning the next week. Like daily planning, this will save much wasted or less-well-used time. It is the most essential of the planning exercises, although the planning exercises for days, months, quarters, and years are all high payoff.
I keep a copy of this form in my Current Operating Notebook, but I have a link address in my notes within the "Weekly planning - c notes" appointment in my electronic calendar, so that I can just pull it up easily wherever I am.
Actual form: Weekly Planning And Review List. I reference this web page (instead of using that form) on my electronic calendar, in my appointment for weekly planning. The form is recreated here, roughly, but use the form, if you wish, by linking to the above link - and then modify it as you wish.
Subject to change; modify to work for you or use until you have time to modify.
Week of: ___/___/___
REVIEW: (See below.)
Procedure (in process, meanwhile just use the checklist, as it is, essentially, a procedure).
Spend an hour at least, up to an hour and a half or even two!
__ Review overall to do list in my planning software program, redo tickles and list as
__ Review any unclassified notes (try to do most of this before this)
__ See and link to the accountability sheets being used:
monitoring log
__ Journal: What was good about last week? What would I change about it for
the future? (Irritations, concerns, issues...)
__ What things done last week were not completed and need to be on to do list?
Such as going to a seminar or class or ? and not reviewing the notes and getting the information into
action or practice.
__ Review prior week's calendar to see what is undone, drag it forward (or delete)
__ Review your current week's calendar
___ Plan top 5 activities (from 2 task lists); insert BIG ROCKS first, into calendar:
Or just do it by writing on the scheduled task list and from that entering it in the work week’s schedule.

(Must be scheduled!) Roles - Organize by roles you have in life and in work and decide what to put in each one for the week. (Roles defined )
RELATIONSHIP (idea checklist)

__ Fill out your week with what you’ll do, always leaving some spaces.
__ Weekend is planned __ Bedtime is set __ Exercise is built in
__ Time set for weekly planning Best to have a standard time and have it built into the electronic calendar to be done at a specific weekly appointment time.
__ Schedule free day
Review of prior week: (Top 3-5 wins, losses, what will do about them, key lessons learned, gratitude for what occurred or noticed during the week, anything else noticed or wish to address)
Regular (or frequent) daily activities to build into the calendar, not already tickled:
Write up notes
To do’s personally, house, etc.
Fun activities
Growth activities
Self care – see list in following pages
Standard procedural every week: (This will be inserted, or it will be replaced by this checklist above if no separate procedure is deemed necessary.)
Building in time for
___ Something fun

___ Something nurturing

___ Something healthy

___ Massage

___ Walk

___ Walk with partner, friend

___ Exercise aerobically 

___ Something stress-reducing 

___ Massage

___ Warm bath 

___ Relax each muscle

___ Be still for at least two minutes

___ Meditate

___ Breathe deeply and slowly for 2 minutes

LEARNING, PROGRESSING (Insert into calendar!)
__ Personal development books, cds, materials for the week:
__ Skills working on for the week:
__ Good habit/practice for the week:
__ Improve systems, procedures, organization, etc.:
Some people will want to insert these into their standard weekly forms, as reminders or "bring to top-of-mind".
Top 3 goals for
The year (as a reminder)
Who I will be this week:
Am I living up to my standards in
__ Authenticity
__ Organization
__ Integrity
Top events for the upcoming week
Tracking form for weekly habits, regular activities
Notes, to be altered and redone, later:
Read Why You Should Do Weekly Planning.
___ Use standard labeled folders for items in parentheses, below
This week and next week. Have standard week format Best to staple inside the file folder, front page, for easy reference relative to the week. and other standard formats While the quarterly items or standard monthly items should already be tickled into the calendar or task lists, stapling those into the inside back of the weekly calendars file folder would be useful for easy reference.
___ Print out tasks – “master task list”
- “master scheduled tasks list”