I see now that these need to be made more powerful
While there are some good raw materials herein for you to use to create strong declarations, as I look back at what was created a number of years ago before much of my latest wisdom gathering and refining the materials, I see that some of these lack punch and/or true strength. They are helpful, but, I think, in some cases, not determinative (causative) nor adequately determined (clear) nor indicating adequate determination (strength of intention).
A real declarations cuts off all retreat. It is de-cisive. It cuts (like "cissors") off the alternative. It separates and determines what is and/or will be so.
A declaration must be so powerfully stated and clear and guiding that one cannot be anything less.
Do as requested: Spend a whole day creating the most powerful statement of commitment possible as the human being you are in truth capable of being: "This Is Who I Am Committed To Being And To Doing, Period!".
This is, as you might possibly discern, not anything you can wriggle out of, even in your life!
It is non-conditional - not dependent on circumstances, other people or how you feel at the time. It is a "for-sure this is the way I choose to be for the rest of my life"!