(To be added to)
[Keep this, for immediate access, in your Reminders Notebook and/or in a file so labelled and easily accessible.]
The idea is to have yourself set up to have all these tools at your disposal. (For immediate use, look in the sidebar to the right.)]
If you have an emotional problem of some urgency, you are either "overaroused" or "underaroused" - and your body/mind is emitting unpleasant chemical signals for you to correct the situation. At these times, your higher brain tends to have a partial shut down and you also will have lost your perspective. You must start by handling the physical "calming" and, then, if possible at the time, the psychological "calming, centering".
Time out: Take an emotional "time out".
The Time Out Tool - Time to deal with the issue - and not jump into the emotion or traps.
The Pause - Interrupts to get perspective, engage higher brain
Breathe very deeply (relaxed stomach) and slowly.
Alter posture: Shoulders back, chest out, standing or sitting very straight and tall but relaxed.
Do a physical smile (even if not able to do it "sincerely", as there is a set physical effect)
Scan body for places to relax and relax them!
Overarousal Underarousal
Sleep, rest, relaxation (at least 20 minutes) Definitely Probably
Saying in a superstrong, enthusiastic voice your key
affirmations and/or ones that apply to this situation. Useful!
List of things I love to do X
List of things that will distract me effectively
(so I can recover and be able to
implement a more substantial solution.) X
Coping Cards for
Low energy (Supplies: Quality energy bar, drink water)
High anxiety, panic (equipment: paper bag; list of actions to take)
Negative thinking
Key affirmations
Key coping statements
Reworking negative thoughts
The Reminders Notebook - Helps "ground oneself" and "center oneself", reminding one of what counts in life, who one is, one's commitments and stands in life, the meaning/purpose/calling in one's life, and the power one has to determine one's life quality.
Super emergencies: 911
Suicide Prevention Life Line 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Suicide Hot Lines 1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433