Victories, every single one, no matter how small.
Kindnesses I attempted, good that I did (no matter how small seeming)
Pleasant experiences
What I noticed that I was grateful for (3+ things, in others, in self, in the world)
Goals, What I Want
Values, standards - Did today, what's important.
What I noticed that I might improve on (and when will I do so?)
What were my thoughts and feelings in that situation today? (Should I look at it using a problem solving form to do so, so it is more complete?) How could I have done it better?
Am I spending my time where it has the most value for me? Where did I waste it or get poor value? (Cues? Physical, tired, low energy, stressed out, etc.?) What do I need to insert more into?
Identify Models And Examples
Who did a model behavior today and what was it? How can I implement that in my life?
Who should I be with more? Who is a model? Supportive? (And schedule it in...) Who should I not be with or be with less?
What undesired result did I get?
How could I have been cause in the matter?
Is this lack of a desired effect due to a racket?
What can I learn from this?
What beliefs could have contributed to this? Are they true, absolutely true?