The point of this whole thing is not to just read a few things to know a bit more and feel a bit better, but to actually COMPLETE what is necessary to have a solid and functioning foundation to have what you want be fully in your life.
Except for those extraordinarily grounded, deeply happy individuals, people tend to continue leading their lives with incompletely formed foundations in the important areas of their lives. Essentially, most people are not fully living the lives they would love to, but the irony is that they are accepting this as being "normal" and "pretty good" - instead they could have lives that are 100% to 400% (++) more fulfilled and happy.
This is an opportunity to complete, perhaps for the first time in any area of your life, a vital foundation piece. Don't let this opportunity slip away by failing to have the commitment and the program to fully grasp and own it forever.
Ironically, some of the seemingly most self-confident, accomplished people in the world are still missing fulfillment and complete happiness in key areas of their lives - and they fail to focus on completing those other areas because they figure what they have is enough, unknowingly settling for half (or 3/4) of the loaf when they could have it all. Often they are missing the love and/or the full connectedness with other human beings (and often with themselves!). Some think high stress is the normal way of living. Some accept less than optimal health. And most accept a less than optimal sense of the ability to have it all, with full perspective and appreciation.
Won't you join me in this process of completing each key area of life? Will you choose to commit and in doing so adopt the planned program to make it happen? (Or will you choose to leave the area incomplete, again?)